Why Use Inhim Classic Car Restorations
At Inhim Classic Car Restorations we appreciate the importance of achieving a quality restoration project while also focussing on achieving that within our clients’ specific cost parameters. We also understand that delivering a quality product to our clients are paramount to our own future and therefore we are dedicated to achieve this goal as well.
Our process
At Inhim we have realised that it is impossible to be and expert or specialist in every type of repair during the restoration process. We have also realised that to achieve that status, it would increase our cost and comparable with other service providers in the industry.
We have therefore adapted our restoration philosophy to enable us to achieve quality at a lower cost. Unlike other service providers, we at Inhim focus on doing what we do best and utilise others in their field of expertise to better execute their services at reduced prices.
Applying this philosophy enables us to not only achieve improved quality but also allows us to reduce costs –a saving we can pass on to our customers. Pre-negotiated service agreements enable our customers to receive superior quality at reduced rates.
Although it would be great for every classic car owner to have an unlimited budget for a restoration, the truth is that in the majority of cases this does not occur. We at Inhim realises that in some instances, cost can be the determining factor in a restoration projects’ viability.
We work with our clients to determine the best options for their restoration, in order to extract the best possible value. We engage our clients upfront regarding potential costs of the restoration project.
Our restoration service allows for multiple restoration options which will allow our clients to find a solution that’s suits their budget.
The qualities of our restoration projects are not only critical for our customers’ satisfaction but also for us at Inhim. The key role quality plays in our operating philosophy is evident in our focus to utilise only the best possible resources during the restoration process. To sum it up – to ensure top quality in our projects, we only use the best materials and services.
Types Of Vehicles We Restore..
We restore all types of classic and sports cars. Although not all clients require a Concour’s de elegance restoration, for those clients who do, we utilise the services of manufacturer specific specialists to enable us to achieve this.
It is our focus to deliver the desired outcomes each classic owner envisions for their specific restoration.
Unlike many other service providers, we do not require that your vehicle be left with us for 12+ months in order to complete your car’s restoration, or in some cases, cannot commit to a delivery date. At Inhim we focus our attention at delivering your classic car on an agreed delivery date. We achieve this by executing no more projects at one time that will allow us to deliver any given project within a reasonable time period.

Unit 2, 2B Business Circuit, Wauchope
* Complete Restorations
* Partial Restorations
* Rust Repairs
* Respray
* Interior Rejuvenation
* Engine Upgrade
* Buyer's Assistance
* Floor Replacements
* Classic Car Rentals